DL 4pp (198x210mm)
Why not try something different in grabbing your audience’s attention? Our DL 4pp (198x210mm) Folded Leaflets are printed on to premium quality pages and folded twice in order to make a DL leaflet, a 4pp (printable pages) leaflet. The leaflets sit neatly in table top holders at your corporate events, reception areas, and conferences.
Need Artwork Template?
Download the following free templates to use for your artwork
Product Specification
Finished Size: 99mm x 210mm
Flat Size: 198mm x 210mm
Print: Four colour process (CMYK)
Delivery: Included in price.
Turnaround times: Everything in your order must be signed off by 5pm or your order will be delayed until every item is approved.
We use a combination or digital and litho methods to allow us to give you the best price we can. As a general rule of thumb, print runs up to 500 are printed digitally while runs above 500 will be printed litho but this cannot be guaranteed.
Artwork can be uploaded and approved in your account area once your order has been paid for. Please note that only one design can be used per item.
Artwork Requirement
Please set up your artwork to the following specifications:
Size with bleed: 204mm x 216mm
Resolution: 300 dpi minimum
Format: PDF or JPEG
Colour: CMYK (RGB/Pantones will be converted)
Fonts: Outlined or Embedded
Bleed: 3mm
Safe Zone: 3mm
No printer marks
PLEASE NOTE: Artwork submitted via e-mail before 1pm is guaranteed to be proofed before 4pm artwork submitted after 1pm may be proofed after the cut off, which can delay your order.